  • Location:   Online

It is only recently that European Member States were expected to publish their national marine spatial plans by the 31st March 2021 at the latest. To highlight this and the importance of MSPs, WWF are hosting a webinar and shall present their report on “Ecosystem-based Maritime Spatial Planning in Europe and how to assess it”.


On May 11th, this webinar will take place and shall facilitate an exchange of views between decision makers, key stakeholders, scientists and NGOS who will also discuss an ecosystem-based approach to marine spatial planning.


A healthy ocean constitutes the cornerstone of a resilient sustainable blue economy. However, an unbalanced and poorly managed growth of economic activities at sea will only magnify and accelerate the negative effects human activity can have on marine ecosystems. Ecosystem-based marine spatial planning (MSP) is a solution to this and must play a pivotal and primary role in the  sustainable development of blue economy activities while making sure there still is space for  nature to thrive and recover.


We remain at your disposal should you require any further information and look forward to meeting you.


Yours sincerely,

WWF marine team